Wednesday, November 12, 2008


I LOVE FOOD. That is why I over eat. RIGHT? REALLY?!? I don’t really believe that anymore. I have been known to eat just so I don’t hurt someone’s feelings, when it wasn’t even appetizing, when it didn’t look right or taste right. I think I’m going to write some reason’s why I THINK eat.
1. Because It’s fun
2. Because I HAVE to.
3. Because its yummy
4. Because I’m bored
5. I’m angry
6. I’m sad
7. I’m happy
8. I’m with friends
9. I CAN
10. I’m frustrated
11. It’s the social thing to do
12. My tummy says to
13. My brain tells me to
14. I sit at my computer and what else is there when you have dinosaur dialup.
15. It’s a way I treat myself…see, food doesn’t sass!!
What are some tools I can use when I myself in this realm of FOOD?

1. I Don’t KNOW!!
Tuesday after Weight Watchers I sat in the car listing things that have made me crabby, and have made me eat.
1. Lots to do before Thanksgiving
2. Not being Organized about the food I am going to prepare
3. People are being Lazy at my house
4. I haven’t been tracking or journaling
5. I need to inquire of the Lord where my place in life is at this time, concerning ME
6. I am in pain some days.
7. I’m over goal weight and paying a monthly fee AGAIN
8. I need to clean out my body of sugar.
9. I need to forgive myself for freaking out when K.C. cut her hair. I could have handled it better.
10. Someone was mean to me. (potential customer hung up on me, told me I was unprofessional just because I called her hun.)
11. I have NO quiet time
12. I haven’t been getting enough rest since the time change. My body says its 10:00 but with everything that needs done I’m not getting to bed until after 11:00, and I get pestered after that.
13. I have a hard time recognizing Ron after he “Just For Men” his grey hair, now he looks like ELVIS. I know I should be ecstatic, but it’s a little strange trying to make out with a dead guy. I do have to say though. I think I lost 2 pounds laughing hestarically, I got an 8 minute ab workout.
If I look close enough, and if I read my Weight Watcher books I will find some tools. My inner resources.
1. I can say my computer desk is OFF LIMITS to food
2. I can type on my laptop instead of eating
3. I can call a friend
4. I can duct tape my mouth shut
5. I can pretend everything in the house is poisonous. Don’t EAT
6. I can take a deep breath and exale.
I believe that food is just one of my weaknesses. So next time I will share what I learned at Time Out For Women. NOTE TO SELF.

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